The below picture was sent to me by Karl, and it was taken during Ozzfest in Ireland, May 26th, 2002. Because of the fact that it is not my picture, nor the picture of some faceless corperation, and he did say that he was sending it only to me, I ask that you look at, but not steal this picture.
Shavo lookin' goofy at Ozzfest These pics were taken and sent in by Marlies! They were taken at the Lowlands Festival in The Netherlands. It seems SOAD played an awsome show, and for some reason I *Think * Shavo may not be wearing his pants on a couple of pics. But anyway, HUGE thanks to Marlies for the awsome pics! First Pic Second Pic Third Pic Fourth Pic Fifth Pic Sixth Pic Seventh Pic Eighth Pic Ninth Pic This live pic was sent to me by Mark Bridle. If you feel like you want to put it up on your page, please e-mail me for permission first.
Live Pic of Serj ****** The cover art for Toxicity!!! ****** Click here to see pics at!! The above website is about WEED. It shows pics in there of the guys smoking weed (except for John), and if this disturbes/bugs you, DON'T CLICK ON IT!!!! But if you're cool with it, click the link to see some wicked pics of Serj, Shavo and Daron. *p.s. Serj looks really funny when he's stoned!!* ****** Black and white group shot Spiky pic of Shavo Daron, lookin all shiny.... John, hiding behind a drumset Serj dancing...under possible drug influence Serj..with some funky hair, and John in the backround Daron attempting to bite through his necklace Shavo trying to moo like a cow Serj and Shavo A round group pic A cool pic of Shavo Serj singing Serj singing....again... Cool "Metro" group pic John looking rather shocked Daron, looking rather hardcore Serj singing....yet again A HOT pic of Shavo Daron's BIG SMILE! Another pic of John A cool group pic Another cool group pic. Cool animated goup pic Thanks to for the above picture. Shavo rockin OH NO!!! Daron's going to slice Serj's head off!! a REALLY good pic of Serj. What happens when all of SOAD get in the same shower to save time. Send $7.00 plus $4.00 shippin and handeling and you will get..... Its flooding! After the flood they were just chillin Again, a shower delema The guys lookin all classy and stuff. Trashin the men's room! With twins!! Shavo looking at something Daron sees a UFO!! Stop right there!! Shavo and Daron rockin... Serj, through the eyes of a drunk. Wicked pic of John drumming John and one of his buddies! John looking at a UFO Daron looking like 50's space creature Daron wearing pajama bottoms on stage Shavo's bass strap screams "Don't hug me." Shavo, with alot of paint. John and Sully Erna (Godsmack) chillin' John and Sully gettin a little more touchy-feely Shavo with a murderous gleem in his eye Wicked pic of Shavo John showing his love Closeup of Daron w/ face paint Shavo creeping up on Slipknot. Run Slipknot!! Before its too late!! Daron in plaid pants Never trust someone who looks like this: Shavo catching a grape Something scared Daron Look down, look WAY down.. Shavo is evil Daron chillin' Kinda gotta wonder about Serj's shirt... Serj either falling or yawning.....or both Shavo: DUH! If Daron joined Kittie, he'd look like this Shavo smiling at the sky Red group pic Serj is REALLY happy! I stole this pic from!! *snickers* Shavo w/ wicked double-goatee Shavo with a REALLY nice bass Shavo and John chillin' Daron and his guitar... John drumming w/ face paint Look behind you John!!! Serj with a nice hat Serj, REALLY up close Shavo and John on Farmclub Shavo doing what he does best Shavo and John getting interviewed The guys waiting to go on stage Coal Chamber has new members... A colorful pic of Daron Another colorful pic of Daron John with no skin Still no skin on that drummer. Serj in a really nice....dress type thing?...I dunno.. Serj is shocked and amazed. Shavo got into the paint shed Not again Shavo! I have to put a lock on that shed. A real dramatic pic of Serj Shavo shows some teeth Serj got scared. Daron is concentrating. Serj with an afro and an childish gleam in his eye Daron in a strange red light This is just one freakin' disturbing picture Serj with a mini-afro perm type thing Shavo is green with envy Serj has all the intensity of one of those little breathmints All I can say is "Wow" Daron gives us the finger Serj...Daron...Rick Ruben Shavo is very thin Neat new group pic Thats not a real healthy skin tone, Shavo |