Yeah, I'm bad... No one needs to tell me. SOAD's new page slows down my computer so much it isn't funny, though.
In SOAD news, They released a video for BOOM off their new album, protesting the war on Iraq. It's pretty good.
Serj has a radio show with Tom Morello, formerly of RATM, and currently of Audioslave. The show is called "Axis Of Justice" and is an hour long and is on once per month. I don't know what station, but I assure you I don't get it.
In my world, it's my birthday today (May 10) and I'm 17. Yipee! I did get "Steal This Album" for Christmas, and it's quite good. I also purchased a SOAD patch at a store, but I have nothing to put it on yet.
If you thought I sucked before, you must think I REALLY suck now! I'd LOVE to be able to say I have an excuse this time, but I can't, except for the fact that the last few times I tried to update the page, Tripod wouldn't let me sign in. In the SOAD world, much has happened:
~They made a video for Arials.
~Limited Edition of Toxicity w/ DVD is realeased.
~Needles is on the Ozzfest 2002 live album.
~Serj urgest us all to see the movie "Ararat".
~Final tracklisting for new album is as follows:
Chic 'n' Stu Innervision Bubbles Boom! Nuguns A.D.D. (American Dream Denial) Mr. Jack I-E-A-I-A-I-O 36 Pictures Highway Song F*** The System Ego Brain Thetawaves Roulette Streamline ~ And most recently, new album, "Steal This Album" is released. I don't have it yet. I'm sure it's good, though. I'll buy it with my Christmas money.
In my world, not much has happened. The new layout for the SOAD page slows down my computer so much I can hardly scroll up or down.
Okay, I admit it, I suck. I've got to be the worst webmistress ever. But I have an excuse this time. My computer got screwed and all my files got deleted. But anyways, I'm back now.
System Of A Down is releasing a bonus DVD with special Toxicity cds. Its a limited edition and if you want it, you should get it soon. Its available online at Sam Goody,, and other fine places.
Also, SOAD has a new song on the soundtrack of The Scorpion King. I haven't heard it yet because my computer is too slow to D/L it right now, but I heard that it's good. Also, someone in the Guestbook wanted to know what S/T meant. It stands for Self Titled, like when bands name their CDs the same name as their band name (ie SOAD's first cd, Slipknot's first cd)
In my world, I turned 16, got my belly button peirced, and got my driver's license. And I still can't back out of my driveway, due to the fact that it is crooked and has a 6 ft. drop on both sides.
Hello there! Happy St. Patrick day to you all! :) Well, I saw the video for Toxicity, a few times in fact, and it seems our boys have done it again. I'm proud that they seem to be getting the recognition they deserve, but I just hope they don't get over-exposed and turn into Backstreet Boys.
Also, SOAD will be at Ozzfest 2002, another rockin' concert that I'll never see. But anyways, alot of you people will, so all the best of luck to you. News Jan/29/2002 Toxicity (the video) has been released. You can now request it on the TV and radio stations. I have yet to see it, but I hear it's beautiful. News Jan/16/2002 I'm a bad person. Also, Tripod has been screwing me over. it doesn't work half the time. But anyways, in more important news, System Of A Down, the band we all know and love, have been nominated for a Grammy. The song "Chop Suey" was nominated for "Best Metal Performance". The 44th annual Grammy Awards will take place Febuary 27th, at the Staples Centre in LA. Also, keep an eye out for the new Toxicity video, which should be out soon. News Nov/17/2001 I admit it, I'm a bad webmaster.... But seriously, there was exams and I was very busy. In System news, Toxicity hac been certified PLATINUM. Hey, its more then I ever did.... Also, the Pledge Of Alligance tour has been postponed due to family reasons with Slipknot. Its not like Slipknot is really worth going to see, in my opinion, but anyways.... just my opinion. Until next time...... News Oct/15/2001 I've been bad and I have neglected my page. I am very sorry...I'll try to do better next time. Okay, everyone who sees the POA tour says it rules. Obviously! Mudvayne dropped off the tour because one of the members was having personal problems. I added a new link, and have new pics on the way. I love you. I really do. Esspecially you right there. I'm insane, did I mention that? News Sept/16/2001 Sorry for not updating for so long. I was busy. As most of you know, there was a huge terrorist attack on Tuesday on the WTC and the Pentagon. I'm not going to re-hash all the information everyone has already said a thousand times, But I'm just going to tell you that Serj wrote an essay on it that was quite controversial that had to be taken off most web pages because the band was getting death threats. I'm not going to post it on the page, because of the band's safty and because of how many people it makes angry, but I have it on my computer and I will send it to you if you e-mail me. That way only the people who want to read it get to read it. Also, I added the lyrics to Toxicity and to some rare or B-side songs. Woohoo! And I went to my first real concert over the weekend. It was a Finger 11 and Breach Of Trust concert. To put it simply, it was awsome and I got Cheech from Breach Of Trust to sign a postcard for me and I got a pick from the Finger 11 show. News Sept/5/2001 When SOAD tried to play a free show in LA two days ago, too many people showed up and the security refused to let SOAD play. System even tried to reason with the security by offering to play a shortened 20 min. set. But the security said no, and the show was cancled, causing (you guessed it!) a huge riot. No one was seriously hurt or killed, but alot of stuff was broken, and all of SOAD's equipment was broken or stolen. In less riot-y news, SOAD's new CD, Toxicity was released yesterday. And I got it. Its on my bedroom dresser right now. Personally, I think its pretty awsome. I think the best song is Forest, but that may change as I listen to it more. Also, I had my first day as a Grade 10 student today. It sucked so bad. My head was killing me the entire time, and its illegal for teachers to give you painkillers here. News Sept/3/2001 Toxixity is out TOMARROW!! Also, I got those pictures from Marlies up. And i accidentally said she was a guy, but she's a girl. I just thought I'd clear that up. And SOAD will be on Conan O'Brian on Sept 11th. If I can stay up that long, I'll tell you what it was like. News Aug/31/2001 Toxicity in five days!!! Yahoo!! Also, I go Back to school in five or six days. I hope in six, so I can get Toxicity the day it comes out AND get my hair cut before school. Also, an awsome girl named Marlies sent me some live pics of SOAD that I will put up on my page as soon as I get them marked so that people won't steal them, and even if people steal them, I will know who. News Aug/24/2001 SOAD's new album "Toxicity" will really, definetly be released on Sept. 4th of THIS YEAR. For sure now. Also, a video was made for Chop Suey. Its a kinda cool video. Kinda typical of the times, and I wish there was more video of the guys standing around eating chop suey. Because thats what the people really want to see. And I got my snug peirced today! Before youe mind wanders to the gutter, thats that little ridge in your ear in between the edge and your conch. Everyone told me it would be shockingly painful (even the peircer) but it wasn't that bad at all. When this one heals, I may get a second. Also, I stretched one more lobe peircing in each ear to 8 ga, and orbitaled two other lobe peircings in my right ear. And I'm still the same on the inside. News Aug/1/2001 Nothin much new in SOAD's world. I downloaded the B-sides to the album, and they are AWSOME. They are "F The System", "Johnny", and "Inner Vision" for those who don't know. In my world, I got my eyebrow re-peirced today. And I stretched my lobes to 8 gauge. I look slightly stranger then I did last week. But I'm still the same on the inside, LOL. News July/20/2001 My Mp3s are down. Angelfire is being a prostitute. I took down the part of the page with my pal's lyrics because he wanted me too. Appparently, all of Toxicity has been released in Mp3 format on some FTP places. I'd rather wait for the cd, but I guess if you people wanted to D/L it you could. News July/15/2001 Sorry for not updating for so long. I got a 9-5 job so I don't really have the time. But I will update when possible. I will also get Chop Suey up on my page very soon, and I'm taking the Tabs section down. No other news, except SOAD pushed Toxicity back til Sept. 4th, I think. BLA! News July/7/2001 I have heard Chop Suey. It is amazing. I'd love to put it up on the page but the person I downloaded it off of said he/she wanted to keep it with the people on the SOAD board. Buts its really good, so don't worry about the new album sucking or anything. Also, "Chop Suey" is the radio name for the song called "Suicide" on the playlist I posted about a week ago. I think they had to change it for the radio because really dumb radio people think that the word "suicide" will make us all want to kill ourselves. Kinda like Weezer had to change "Hash Pipe" to "Half Pipe" for some radio stations and TV channels. I'm pretty sure the song will be named "Suicide" on the album, though. Also, I read a review that someone made of Toxicity. Some people actually have the cd now. Not me, though..... Well anyways, this person gave it a really good review. Yeah!! News July/5/2001 Seems that Toxicity was pushed back to Sept. 4th. Excuse me while I become slightly angered. *Becomes slightly angered*. Ok, I feel better now. Anyways, that sucks alot. But in much better news, the supposed first single from Toxicity was leaked to several radio stations a bit early. The song is called "Chop Suey". I haven't heard it dure to the crappyness of the radio where I live, but if I ever get it on MP3, I'll put it up. I also put the cover art for Toxicity up in my pics section. And I added a new poll. Thats pretty much it. News July/4/2001 Today is America's birthday, but I'm Canadian, so whatever... The cover art for Toxicity has been released. I'll put it up really soon. I'm getting it right now. Its got a Hollywood theme. I won't describe it because some of you might not want me to ruin the surprise. And I heard a rumor that Toxicity might be pushed back until September. If thats true, I am ssssssoooooooo kidnapping one of the guys. News June/28/2001 The MP3s are fixed. If there are any problems, please contact me. Also, we have some cool System news. The tracklist for Toxicity has been realised. It is: "Forest" "Prison Song" "Version 7.0" "ATWA" "Psycho" "Shimmy" "X" "Bounce" "Suicide" "Aerials" "Deer Dance" "Science" (Feat. Arto Tuncboyaciyan) "Jet Pilot" "Needles" Sounds good huh? 14 songs is sooo much better then 12. And for those who don't already know, Arto Tuncboyaciyan is a multi-talented Armenian musician who will play pretty much anything, including Coke bottles. No word yet on how he plays coke bottles. Does he hit them with sticks or does he blow on them like everyone else? I hope he blows on them. That makes a shockingly cool sound. News June/26/2001 School's out for me. I passed everything. Yeah!. And the MP3s are pretty much fixed. Some songs arn't up yet, but if the song you want isn't up, just wait a few days and check again. Not much System news..... everything is pretty much as it was 2 days ago....But I downloaded a few Mpegs off of iMesh. I got the Spiders video, System playing Spiders on Conan O'brian, and System playing Sugar on Farmclub. I'd love to put them up for everyone else, but my computer is as slow they make em, so it couldn't take it. But if I ever got some sort of high-speed internet thing, I'd gladly put them up for download. News June/24/2001 I am very close to fixing the MP3s. And guess what? BIG system news! They decided on a name for the new album. It will be called "Toxicity". Now it just has to come out. News June/13/2001 MP3s STILL not fixed. Very sorry about that one. In happier news, I got The Prison Song on MP3. It's really good, I think. AND, drumroll please, System as actually set a real release date for their new album!!! Yipee!! Its August 14th (of THIS year) and the first single is set to be released on July 9th. We don't know what that is. AS for me, I write 2 exams on friday, and one on tuesday, and then I am out for summer! I just may update more often, then. So you just watch! News May/20/2001 Turns out that does not allow remote linking anymore. so all my MP3s that I put up for you lovley people are not working. DAMN YOU CROSSWINDS!!! Well, anyways, I have to find a place to put my MP3s. Also, I heard that The Prison Song off SOAD's new album has ben leaked to a few special people. Maybe if the rest of us are lucky, those selected few will share it with the world. And if they do, i will gladly put it on this site for you. News May/12/2001 I am 15 now. Feels just like being 14, except you are now an odd number. My ear is healing nicely, thank you for asking. Oh yeah!! This is System news, not Meghan's comfy corner! Ok then.....not much has been happening. There are lots of rumors about where and with who SOAD is going to tour. Most are big group tours or one-day things, but I don't want to give you crappy info, so I'll tell ya when I'm sure. I have also figured out that John (drummer from SOAD, duh) is a damn good-looking man. Yep. I have been bored. News May/6/2001 There is going to be a System Of A Down/Slipknot co-headlineing tour, named the "Pledge Of Allegence" tour. Mudvayne and No One may also be on the tour. It kicks off in the fall. It also seems that the release date of System's new cd may have been pushed back until August or September, or maybe even November. Next thing we know, it'll be November of 2010!! C'mon guys! Leave the bongs for a while and make the CD!!! As for me, I turn 15 in 4 days, and i got my conch peirced twice. A conch is an inner-ear peircing. It was so cool. It looks great! The guy who did it wants me to come back in a month and he'll take pics for his porfolio. I'm gunna be an ear model!! News April/3/2001 Guess what Serj did? He got his own website. Guess what he's going to do? He's going to release a book of poetry. There's going to be about 5000 made, and he's going to sign the first 500. He also has a record lable called "Serjical Strike", and music from three of the bands on it for listening on his site. The URL is I heard that the new SOAD album might be out on April 26th, but this probably isn't true. Most likely the album will be out in June, like everyone else says. News Mar/24/2001 I got the songs fixed, and added some new ones. I think I'll be adding new pics soon. On the SOAD side of things, The guys have been working hard on their new album. They've recorded about 33 songs live to see which ones will be on the album, which they are recording with producer Rick Rubin. Some titles are said to include: "Deer Dance" "Science" "Jet Pilot" "Chick N Stew" "Psycho" "PJ's" "Walls" "Prison" "Atwa" "Pictures" "X" "Forests" About 12 songs are expected to make the cut. "Only 12?" You say? Yeah, I said the same thing. But, Oh well. Maybe they will be the 12 greatest songs on the planet, or something like that. We'll just have to keep our hopes up. News Mar/1/2001 I was going to upload a few rare/b-side songs today, but the place I keep them is screwing up on me. So I have to put them someplace else. It may take a while. Today I learned that SOAD's new cd is due out on June 26th. And if it gets delayed, we'll have to kidnap one of them, or whatever works. News Feb/22/2001 Added some pics and some polls, and I heard that SOAD's new cd is coming out in june. I also heard May, but better sources say June. They started recording earlier this month, so there WILL be another cd, just no one is sure when. News Feb/3/2001 I added some MP3s of rare/b-side songs. If they don't work, just tell me and I'll fix it. News Jan/28/2001 Nothing much today... added another song by Slip_Mag, and just thought you guys would like to know that I learned to play Spiders on the bass the other night. Spiders being my favorite song of all time, I'm pretty proud of myself. News Added Jan/15/2001 This page is now UP!!! *does happy dance* Yep, its true. And on the System side of things, the guys are currently in the pre-production phase of their second album. If its anywhere near as good as the first, it will rule.